Terms and Conditions

Terms and Conditions for Art Commission Clients 

The following terms and conditions apply to the commissions service provided by Nonalillie Designs to you, (Client) 

Commission requests

All commission requests are submitted by Email or through the message box on the nonalillie.com product page. Ensure you have looked at my prices and art style before continuing. 

Commission requests I accept: Portraits, People, OC’s DnD characters, Fanart, Character Design sheets.

Commission requests I do not accept: Heavy NSFW, Heavy Gore.

Once a request has been received, you will receive your acceptance or decline response within 3 days. 

Nonalillie retains the right to refuse any commission request (eg. if the subject matter asked for is against Terms and Conditions) in which case a full refund will be issued. 

Commission Process 

Before pay it is (client’s) responsibility to read the terms and conditions in full before continuing. Upon payment it is assumed (client) as already read and agreed to all terms and conditions

Nonalillie will send the commission brief as understood back to (client) to accept. Once you have accepted, please allow 4-6 weeks for Nonalillie to work on your commissioned work. 


Charges for services to be provided by Nonalillie are outlined on the nonalillie.com product page and confirmed on commission request.


Nonalillie retains the right to terminate the art commission at any stage of the process.

The artist reserves the right to stop working on or cancel the commission due to any terms being breached such as communication, inability to understand commission changes, or due to rude, difficult or inappropriate behaviour.

If (client) would like to terminate the commission before it has been completed, Nonalillie retains the right to retain 25% non-refundable deposit. This honours Nonalillie’s time spent and resources used.

Usage rights 

The commission cannot be used to enter any competitions online or offline. 

The commission cannot be used for financial gain or marketing unless discussed otherwise. If the commission is for commercial use, new terms of agreement must be signed.


Nonalillie will communicate with (client) throughout the process of creating the commission. It is (clients) responsibility to respond with timely responses. 

Nonalillie will not continue to work on commission without written approval from (client). 

Nonalillie will keep personal records of all Client correspondence and approval.

If Nonalillie has not received any response from (client) within 30 days, Nonalillie retains the right to cancel the commission. This also includes the non-refundable deposit. Nonalillie will send weekly communications on Client preferred method of contact to remind (client) of their need to respond promptly. 

If (client) wishes to continue the commission at a later date they will be required to request a new commission request, sign a new commission agreement and pay another non-refundable deposit. 

Artwork progress 

Nonalillie will send (client) progress of the commission along the way. It is (clients) responsibility to accept each progress stage before Nonalillie can continue to work on the commission. 

At this stage, minor alterations can be requested. Nonalillie will outline whether this is possible to complete. 

Nonalillie reserves the right to share “in progress” content to social media unless the (client) asks for this not to be done, for example if the commission is confidential or a surprise gift.

Completion Stage

Once Artwork is complete Nonalillie share with (client) a low resolution, watermarked digital photo of the finished artwork. At this stage only very minor adjustments can be made. Once (client) has accepted the digital photo, no more changes can be made.


Invoices will be issued by Nonalillie upon receiving payment, upon completion of the commission & before collection/delivery. Invoices are primarily sent via email unless requested otherwise.

It is (client) responsibility to provide the correct (address / email address) to receive the artwork.


Nonalillie will provide a certificate of authenticity, signed and dated for the client with the information as provided. 


Nonalillie retains the copyright to the artwork created from (clients) commission.

Nonalillie will not reproduce the artwork & its usage will not be allowed on any other website apart from Nonalillie website and social media pages, unless (client) gives written permission to do so.

Nonalillie reserves the right to display the artwork on their website and social media pages. If a Client is unhappy about the artwork being displayed, they must declare this upon placing the commission.

(Client) retains ownership of the artwork and has permission to share the artwork on social media as long as the artist is correctly tagged and identified, unless Nonalillie has requested otherwise.


It is not necessary for the Client to have signed any document for these terms and conditions to apply.

If (client) has agreed to a commission from Nonalillie and sent a payment through the nonalillie.com store, then (client) will be deemed to have read the terms and have accepted these terms and conditions in full.

Please read these terms and conditions carefully. Any commission acceptance implies that you have read, understood and accepted these terms and conditions.